Monday, January 01, 2007 |
First post of 2007 |
New Year's resolutions. I hate them! I've set so many that I've failed at by the end of January 2nd. It's like Lent - I struggle to give or take things up for those 40 days.
Bad habits are hard to break, and good habits are hard to start. Why is that? Why couldn't it just be that good habits are hard to break and bad habits hard to start. I think that's the enemy getting in there, twisting good things so that we become slaves to our bad habits.
However, I plan to make 3 serious resolutions for 2007. I'm sure I'll be sharing progress throughout the year.
Number 3: To stop swearing. I've cut down a lot, but not stopped completely. My main problem is the fact that when people tell me to stop swearing I have that perverse stubbornness that makes me do it even more! But I need to be more mature than that.
Number 2: To stop hunting for a husband. To take the focus of finding a specific man and focus on resolution Number 2: becoming the woman I am made to be. I talked about this a few weeks ago - about how I felt I need to prove to be faithful, committed, etc. before a certain guy could even think about being interested in me. I need to take the reason for becoming this away from him and onto Him. I need God to be the reason that I want to change, not a man. And through that transformation I hope to undergo then I will develop the character to either meet and marry a man of God, or to live my life as a singleton, living for God. If I have a godly character, either of those - through God's grace - will be possible.
Number 1: To develop my relationship with God, to go deeper with Him, to start on that road to transformation I want 2007 to be all about. I was given The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian for Christmas. I think that this might be a good start.
Wonder how I'll be getting on in a month's time? |
posted by Calia77 @ 12:01 am  |
I love the pictures God gives you. I pray that you will have more in the new year for your growth and of those around you. Be blessed in this new year! (and I hope the resolutions work out too :)
Can I hear a big AMEN? I could have written this almost word for word about myself excpet tht I am not trying to quit swearing and I didn't get the book for Christmas, but I do own it.
I was JUST discussing the husband issue with a friend right before checking your blog. Lets hold each other accountable (if you want to) to being the women God wants, not putting "finding mr. wonderful" as our priority.
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I love the pictures God gives you. I pray that you will have more in the new year for your growth and of those around you. Be blessed in this new year! (and I hope the resolutions work out too :)