Shatter Proof
Shatterproof is my new blog for 2007. 2006 was the year of the Jo. 2007 is about that solid core inside me that keeps me from shattering completely. 2007 is about God, and the transformation of me and my life I hope for in Him. Welcome readers, old and new, to Shatterproof
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Why are the cute guys married? And why do they still flirt (OK, I know I flirt too!)
Why is my ex engaged while I'm still single?
Why is Church Boy in a relationship while I'm still single?
Why is it raining so much?
Why is church so hard?
Why is life so unfair so often?
Why is church...?

Darnit! VERY cute guy at work's been flirting with me. He's married. I don't know how it started - I guess I can be a bit cheeky when I'm friendly and then it just goes from there.

And I guess I carry on with it a little because sometimes I just need to feel liked. Another reminder that I'm on my own, but for a few minutes I can pretend someone likes me, wants me. Just for a few minutes.

Then it's back to reality again.
posted by Calia77 @ 10:30 pm  
  • At 5:32 am, Blogger Bar L. said…

    I feel your pain. I really honestly do. It seems that "all the good ones are taken" but married people always insist there are still plenty out there. BUT I know that being alone is better than being with the wrong guy. I hate it, but I believe it.

    So as much as married people say there are great guys out there, old people (as in my age) say "You're so young, you have plenty of time.." I hated hearing that. Yet...its a bit true. You really are a spring chicken and I have FAITH that God is going to bring you a great guy.

    OH, that reminds me of something else annnoying people say: it will happen when you least expect it and when your not looking. HELLO? That's rubbish, I am NEVER expecting and not always looking, but even if I am not looking its in the back of my mind.

    You have a list of great qualities, I think Mr. Wonderful, but I know hearing that is also annoying.

  • At 10:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I too remember being told 'It'll happen when you least expect it,' so often that in the end I replied that I would expect it if I let my gaze down so then I would still be on the lookout wouldn't I?

    To which I recieved many a withering glance - but life is to be lived, and lived well (and by that I include responsibly) and sometimes we just have to make peace within ourselves as we trudge along.

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