Shatter Proof
Shatterproof is my new blog for 2007. 2006 was the year of the Jo. 2007 is about that solid core inside me that keeps me from shattering completely. 2007 is about God, and the transformation of me and my life I hope for in Him. Welcome readers, old and new, to Shatterproof
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What is God doing?
The word 'disciple' means being an apprentice to someone. And it was easy to tell if someone had done that. Peter, James and John made a decision to spend every day with Jesus in order to learn how to be like Him. Now, they did the same kinds of things you do. They ate, slept, worked, played, and learned. They just did all of these things with Jesus. And now it's your turn. What happened to those three fishermen 2000 years ago, can happen for you. And your season of life, your temperament, your job - these are no obstacles. Throughout history when people came to understand what Jesus was really offering they would sacrifice anything - money, comfort, home, security - to get the chance to be an apprentice to Him. And this is your chance to follow Him too. Read these words from a young pastor in Zimbabwe, Africa, who was later martyred for his faith: 'The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made - I'm a disciple of His. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finished with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colourless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognised, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith, depend on His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer, and labour with power.' That's what it means to be a disciple of Jesus!
The Word for Today, 17 Apr 2007
Permit me, if you will, a short story. Roll back time to June 2006. There was a young woman who was dating a young man. They made plans. In specific, they made plans to go to Poland in October.

Step into another scene, July 2006. The young woman is in a pub - without the young man (he wouldn't come) - talking with her vicar. He is talking about a trip to India in November. The young woman thought about it, realised she didn't have any annual leave left, and besides which, curry didn't really suit her.

Step forward another few weeks, young man has ended the relationship. But India is mentioned again. And this time the young woman is listening to God who's nudging her - and her friend sat in the seat next to her - that He would like her to go. Besides which, now she's not going to Poland she has enough annual leave left to go to India.

Jump to early December, still recovering from the whirlwind trip to India, still on malaria tablets that are making her ill, the young woman would not say no to going again.

Jump to March 2007. The young woman is thinking about doing a floristry course. She's arranged to take time off work as annual leave to do it. But she's starting to wonder if she should. Not only are her fingers stiff and aching in the cold - which doing floristry would only make worse - she seems reluctant to actually drag herself down to the college to register. She keeps making excuses - like going to the Tate with a male friend of hers. Eventually she goes, enrols and pays her money. And is starting to look forward to doing it.

Jump to the present. Today, in fact. And in a conversation with her vicar about something completely different, he drops in the casual comment: "by the way, would you like to go to India in June and do Alpha?"

The young woman has a think. And realises that she has limited annual leave left because she is about to start the floristry course tomorrow. And besides which, last time it was all paid for, but this time it wouldn't be, and she's not sure where the money would come from. AND she's not renewed her passport yet, and it's due to run out in early June.

An hour later she makes a call in response to an email. The call is to find out that her floristry course has been cancelled, and they will be refunding her fees.

So suddenly the young woman has more annual leave than she thought. Suddenly she has an extra £100 she didn't have a few weeks ago. And she has a birthday coming up - a big birthday, and perhaps her family could not buy her presents and give her money towards the costs.

And on her way home she bumps into the vicar. And tells him what had happened. And so, the young woman vows to pray about it, to think about it. And to ask her friends to pray too!
posted by Calia77 @ 6:50 pm  
  • At 9:59 pm, Blogger Sarah said…

    Certainly sounds like God trying to prod you in the right direction. Otherwise that's an awful lot of coincidences!!

  • At 10:47 pm, Blogger Aphra said…

    I think I know who the young woman is! I will be praying for her decision.

  • At 2:13 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    sounds most interesting...

  • At 9:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry if I have commented already - I seem to be having some blogger issues!

    Sounds to me like you already know what you will do ... sometimes God is subtle and you're not sure what he wants you to do, other times he's in your face being crystal clear. To me this looks like one of those crystal clear times. Go for it! :-)

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