Tuesday, January 02, 2007 |
Clear-headed |
Obviously marriage is a good goal to have. It is an institution created by God and commands regarding marriage are woven throughout Scripture. Scripture upholds marriage and experience reveals it is the norm for most people. But what can a woman do about a goal like marriage? Obviously we are dependent on our sovereign God to orchestrate the details of meeting a future husband. We must also wait for the mysteries of love and attraction to work in a man's heart so that he will propose - more evidence of the Holy Spirit at work. It can be tempting to be passive. But I don't think that passivity is a component of godly womanhood. This is what I will attempt to unfold in the coming days as we examine together what steps single women can take for marriage.
What will this look like? Well, I think we can find helpful counsel in the words of author Douglas Wilson: "[T]he time a person spends when he is single should be time spent in preparation for marriage. This is important even if he never gets married. This is because biblical preparation for marriage is nothing more than learning to follow Jesus Christ and to love one's neighbour. In other words, preparation for Christian marriage is basically the same as preparation for Christian living. Christians are to prepare for marriage by learning self-denial, subduing their pride, and putting their neighbour first."
Carolyn McCulley, 'Seeking Wisdom for a New Year', Solo Femininity It seems as though God's trying to get something through to me here - that my focus should be on Him and me, not in finding a husband. That only by focusing on Him, spending time with Him, will I transform into the person that He has made me to be, the person that will be ready for life as a wife... or life as a single person, secure in the fact that I am loved by Him.
I look at myself and see that I'm not ready yet. It's funny, after everything I went through last year with P, how much I thought that I was going to marry him, now I almost chuckle at that thought. Now I see how wrong it would have been. Now I'm out of it, clear-headed. And I guess the only way I'm ever going to really know if I've met the right man (if that time ever comes) is if I'm clear-headed even when falling in love. And that requires some serious God-work in me, as I'm easily carried away, caught up in the moment. In fact, that reminds me of a song (Barbara, you'll like this one!):
You've got to get yourself together You've got stuck in a moment And now you can't get out of it
Well, God can get you out of it. If you let Him. In fact, sometimes even if you don't let Him. Even when you ignore all the big hints and carry on regardless. Even when you get all stubborn and dig your heels in, God finds a way. And then gently puts you back together so you can live again.
So now, this year of transformation, this is the time to learn how to live my life without losing my head, to learn to see the signs, hear the words of warning. To learn how to truly love my neighbour, truly be a servant of others. It's going to be one heck of a ride! |
posted by Calia77 @ 10:06 pm  |