Tuesday, January 02, 2007 |
Work to live |
 I really am not happy in my job. And last night I dreamt that I'd quit, so was well disappointed when I woke and realised I had to go in!
I need to somehow hold my head up high whilst my boss is temperamental, keeps mis-representing me to people and taking all the good jobs from me! I can't see where I'm going most of the time because I'm too busy watching my back!
I'm starting to pray in the toilets when it all gets too much, when I go flat because I've just met a wall of blankness or not a very pleasant response.
My boss seems to be able to come in late and leave early without any problem. She rarely says good morning and says good night even less. It's a struggle sometimes to get out of bed and go there. The only thing that's stopping me sink into a depression and get myself signed off with stress (and I could easily do this as I'm seeing the mental health worker next week), is my pride. I can't let her or the company beat me down into that place. I won't let them.
So I trudge in. The only thing that keeps me going at the moment is the lovely Mr F in the corner next to me - funny, good-looking, friendly. It's going to be a shame when he leaves. ;-)
Need to start the hunt proper. |
posted by Calia77 @ 10:19 pm  |