Sunday, February 25, 2007 |
Went on another date! |
 Went to the cinema last night. Saw Hot Fuzz. Loved it! But then I am easily pleased in a cinema - something to laugh at, a big bucket of popcorn and a large drink (still feeling sick from them), and great company and I'm happy!
And the company was good! I'm thinking I quite like this guy. And am hoping to see him again. Looking forward to it.
Do I call? Or do I wait? I've never done this before!
posted by Calia77 @ 9:39 am  |
If he's interested he'll text/call (probs in a couple of days not straight away!) if you text and worse still if you text really soon u can come across as a bit scary!
We liked Hot Fuzz too!
You know what, I just thought of a resource I should have passed on to you ages ago, for I forgot about it....or maybe I already did?
Its a column written by a guy to women to help us understand how guys think in the dating/relationship process. You can sign up for an email to get updates, but he hasn't done one in a long time.
I don't believe in playing games with a guy - but I do believe its very important to understand how they think and then react/respond accordingly.
You're thinking - "Sure, and I see you as Ms. Success with men." Well, I used to be :) Now I'm just a mess emotionally.
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If he's interested he'll text/call (probs in a couple of days not straight away!) if you text and worse still if you text really soon u can come across as a bit scary!
We liked Hot Fuzz too!