Wednesday, January 10, 2007 |
 Smug-Married Dinner Party
Cosmo You really ought to hurry up and get sprogged up, you know old girl. Time's running out. Tick tock. Bridget Yes.... is it one in four marriages that end in divorce now, or one in three? Mark One in three. Cosmo Seriously, though. Office is full of single girls over thirty - fine physical specimens, but just can't seem to hold down a chap. Woney (thin veneer of concern while stroking her pregnant stomach) Yes, why are there so many unmarried working women these days, Bridget? WHAT BRIDGET WANTS TO SAY: Bridget Because I don't want to end up like you, you boring Sloaney milch cow, and because if I had to cook old Chubby Chop's dinner, then get in the same bed as him just once, I'd tear off my own head and eat it. Cut to: Woney What do you think's the reason? WHAT BRIDGET ACTUALLY SAYS: Bridget Ahem - I don't know - I suppose it doesn't help that underneath our clothes, our entire bodies are covered in green scales. - People laugh Mark Yes, for my part, I wonder if it actually doesn't make sense to wait. Natasha Quite right. No use just coupling willy-nilly. It seems to me that a good marriage is like a well-planned merger. [She seems to glance a little towards Mark during this.] Both parties bring something to the table, both negotiate, both make little concessions—and what emerges is more than the sum of the parts... Mark Yes no - you’re right, Natasha - but I suppose what I mean is... (getting a bit near his emotions) We tend to think we're failures... unless we rush headlong into marriage. Perhaps if we, you know, waited - found out what we really wanted...there might not be two lives in often. As we lawyers find. - This brings the conversation to a halt. This weekend I'm off to Devon for my Grandma's 80th birthday lunch. The thrills, the excitement, the scandal there will be... Oh hang on, that's other families.
Maybe I'm just down 'cos of my hormones, but I have this slightly depressed feeling about it. This time I'm most likely to be the only singleton there, now my brother has a girlfriend. Hopefully the focus, when not on Grandma, will be on P&F and when they're going to get married - the kind of conversation my aunt loves! Hopefully it won't be on me and why I'm not married yet.
Because - obviously - I'm covered in green scales! It's nothing to do with the fact that I there doesn't seem to be anyone who wants to ask me out, let alone ask me to marry him. I've not been having a major problem with finding guys who just want to sleep with me, but anything more meaningful it seems is not forthcoming. OK, I had a boyfriend last year, which is more than I'd had in 3 or 4 years, but that is no more.
So I pray that the conversation won't go in that direction.
Anyway... a good whinge and a good opportunity for a gratuitous picture of Colin Firth! |
posted by Calia77 @ 7:50 pm  |